Cars due in soon Last Updated: 11/05/2024

In addition to the superb selection of cars already in our showroom, we also have a select list of cars due in soon.

This page gives you a bit of a 'heads up' for what's coming, and if any of the cars catch your eye and you'd like to know more, please contact Phil on 01234 750205 or

All cars will undergo a thorough 'pre sales' check in our workshop which typically takes 3 hours. This will provide us with a complete picture of a car, its good points and any areas needing attention, and we're always happy to share this report with a prospective buyer.

Before handing over a car to its new owner it is serviced, and any points identified in the pre-sales check as requiring attention are addressed.  A 12 month MOT (where applicable) is also provided.

For additional peace of mind, we HPI check all our cars and all cars sold for use within the UK come with our own, very comprehensive warranty.